Friday 13 July 2012

So Football Wins?

It is my opinion that everyone knows that John Terry called Anton Ferdinand a 'black c***! He did it in the heat of the moment and in a male orientated physical battle. If a guy has played a physical game like football at any level then we know that aggression physical and verbal is all part of the game.

It is a male world and certain behaviour is accepted even though it is politically incorrect. Verbal aggression is part of the game. It has happened throughout the years.

I knew a guy who used to pinch the bum of his opponent to get him riled. The guy would react and get himself sent off. The CPS has once again made an arse of itself. If Anton Ferdinand was offended then he should not be playing football. I am quite sure that he has been embarrassed.

Everyone knows that in this incident John Terry was guilty even though his lawyers found an ingenious defence. He is however not guilty of being a racist so justice has been done. I am, sure that he has learned his lesson. Next time Anton will just be a c***! And yes John Terry did sh*g his mate's missus so he too is a c*** which means that Anton had a point! 

Lawyers win again!

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