Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

I wish any passing reader a Happy New Year! It is now two years since I began to ramble on this blog expressing my frustrations about modern life in the UK. It, of course, continues unabated with, in my opinion, little hope for the future.

Today I watched Michael Portillo fronting a programme about Great British Railways and it struck me just how much the Victorian era did to enhance the lives of the people of the day.

The Victorian values have almost disappeared in modern life. Courtesy, honour, respect, dignity, decency are all words despised in modern society and we seem to have nobody prepared to champion them.

Tonight, New Years Eve, there were so many young kids running around unattended at 11pm as I left my club that it reflected the state of the nation. Their parents did not give a damn, the kids had no respect for anything as they played wild around the bowling green and, shame on me, but for just one moment I wished for a malign force to descend and scoop one of the feral little gits off! It would take a tragedy of such a magnitude to force it onto the heads of these irresponsible parents that they have a duty of care.

So that is my final moan of the year! Next year I will continue to expose, complain and embarrass all of the authority forces who continue to break promises, steal from the public purse whilst destroying a once orderly society.

I really wish everyone a Happy New Year but I believe it may be a bumpy one!

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